The importance of getting information accurate in the world of public relations is the single most important aspect of this field. Besides always keeping such honesty that truth sings the hymn of valor the purpose of research is a vital concept and one that cannot be overlooked by those that are in the field of PR.
Establishing clear program objectives and desired outcomes tied directly to business goals, differentiating between measuring public relations such as outputs. for example the amount of press coverage received or exposure of a particular message, while measuring outcomes in this case more far-reaching and carrying greater impact for example in an attempt to change awareness, attitudes, and even behavior. Having the ability to measure media content discerning the difference between a target audience actually saw a message or responded to it. “Understand that no one technique can be expected to evaluate public relations effectiveness. Rather, this requires a combination of techniques, from media analysis to cyberspace analysis, from focus groups to polls and surveys” (Seitel, 2019). Other principles that concern the efficiency of research the attempts to compare pr effectiveness with advertising effectiveness since pr effectiveness of pr placement and messages cannot be controlled unlike advertising effectiveness. Lastly the most trustworthy measurement of public relations effectiveness is that which stems from an organization with clearly identified key messages, target audiences, and desired channels of communication. The converse of this is that the more confused an organization is about its targets, the less reliable its public relations measurement will be. These principle of research allows pr to stand out in a manner that answers all objections by maintaining the truth in correlation to gathering the correct information. Since presentation is a big deal one cannot communicate to the public without first having the necessary information ready to present.
As PR professional often find themselves in the position of having to convince management to fund research, or to describe the importance of research as a crucial part of a departmental or project budget. Research is an essential part of public relations management. The first type of research method is referred to as strategic research used primarily in program development to determine program objectives, develop message strategies, or establish benchmarks. It often examines the tools and techniques of public relations. Second type of research is referred to as evaluative or summative research. It is usually conducted to determine whether a public relations program has accomplished its goals and objectives. Evaluative research can determine whether the goals have been met, and such a variant of evaluation can be applied during a program to monitor progress and indicate where modifications might make sense. These two fall under the applied research which are designed to answer specific practical questions. Theoretical research
Theoretical research is more abstract and conceptual than applied research. It helps build theories in public relations work about why people communicate, how public opinion is formed, and how a public is created. Lastly secondary research is the cheapest out of the three. This type of research allows one to examine or read about and learn from someone else’s primary research, such as in a library. This is primarily used on complex issues and one that requires previous knowledge such as building a power nuclear plant. “The purpose of research is to allow us to develop strategy in public relations in order to (a) conduct our campaigns with specific purpose and targeted goals, (b) operate as a part of the overall strategic management function in an organization, and © measure the effectiveness of public relations efforts. By conducting research before we communicate, we revise our own thinking to include the views of public's” (, n.a). In conclusion without knowing how to do research one would not be able to present the information that would most appeal ethically and law wise especially if the first amendment is involved.
Seitel, P, F. (2019). The practice of public relations (14th edition). Publisher Pearson. Retrieved from
Anonymous. (n.a). Public relations research; The key to strategy. Saylordotorg.github. Retrieved from,and%20policies%20of%20the%20organization.